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Michael Brown

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  • Man Bites Dog Theater, Durham NC. 60´ X 20´.
    “I painted this surrealist mural on the backside of the theater to camouflage an unsightly loading dock. Spraying rather than hand painting made this an affordable mural for the then-struggling theater.”

  • Morris Grove Elementary School, Chapel Hill, NC, mascot mural, 12´ X 16´.
    “Rainbow-colored geckoes were my theme for this elementary school mural. I hoped to use art to paint a theme suggesting enjoying of the diversity of their community”

  • City Market, Raleigh, NC, A hidden portrait of Big Ed, detail of the
    140´ X 18´ mural.
    “I painted numerous hidden portraits into this mural. It was fun as I worked to see people walk by the painting for days and not see the imbedded image, then suddenly say, “Oh my gosh! Big Ed! How long has that been there?”

“I don't know how one artist can work in so many styles, but Michael's range of skill as a painter was a huge asset to the town when he created our murals.”

Jeremy Rose, former Mayor, Richwood, West Virginia